Your specialist for surgery
"Prof. EMMANUEL received the decisive part of his surgical training and further education at the Surgical Clinic of the Technical University of Munich at the Klinikum rechts der Isar (1997 - 2006). Under the direction of Univ. Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. J. R. Siewert, a reference centre for surgery of the upper gastrointestinal tract with an international reputation had developed here. A large number of surgical procedures and the necessary perioperative measures (such as endoscopy, manometry, perioperative risk assessment and complication management, etc.) were part of the routine. Accordingly, this focus also played a formative role in his further training.
In 2006, he followed Prof. Dr. Hubert Stein - as a long-standing senior physician and a particularly renowned representative of this school - to the chair of surgery in Salzburg. After an intermezzo as head surgeon in Linz, Prof. Emmanuel himself took over the chair of surgery in Salzburg and continued to live the Munich School there.
Univ. Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. J. R. Siewert
Professional career
Additional training in thoracic surgery (Univ.-Prof. J.R. Stein; PD Dr. J. Hutter), St. Johanns Spital, University Hospital of Paracelsus Medical Private University, Salzburg, Austria
Surgical Intensive Care Unit, Klinikum rechts der Isar, University Hospital of the Technical University of Munich
2007 - 2008
Management training with diploma thesis for medical managers ("The management circle principle as well as the management functions contained therein", Professor R. Ammer), PMU, Salzburg, Austria
06/2002 - 11/2006
Additional training in visceral surgery (Univ.-Prof. J.R. Siewert; Univ.-Prof. H. Stein), Klinikum rechts der Isar, University Hospital of the Technical University of Munich
1997 - 06/2002
Specialist training in surgery, Klinikum rechts der Isar, University Hospital of the Technical University of Munich (Univ.-Prof. J.R. Siewert)
1989 - 1996
Magna cum laude, degree in human medicine, Friedrich Alexander University Nuremberg/Erlangen
Foundation of the Academy of Surgeons
2016 until current
Chair of Surgery, Paracelsus Medical Private University, Salzburg
2004 until 2016
Surgical block practical course: Medical Faculty of the Technical University of Munich, Klinikum rechts der Isar
Cooperation with University of Rochester, NY, USA , Prof. J. Peters MD
2006 - 12/2011
Lectures Surgery and Practical Student Teaching, Paracelsus Medical Private University, Salzburg, Austria
Cooperation with the University Hospital Zurich, Prof. Dr. P. Schneider
Appointment as Professor of the Medical Faculty of the Klinikum rechts der Isar of the Technical University of Munich
05/2008 until current
Cooperation with Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia Prof.D. Watson, MBBS, MD, FRACS
2005 - 2007
Internship special emergency medicine, Medical Faculty of the TU Munich, Klinikum rechts der Isar
Habilitation at the Medical Faculty of the Klinikum rechts der Isar of the Technical University of Munich: "Predictive indicators for lethal abdominal sepsis: Implication for risk evaluation".
PhD at Friedrich Alexander University Nuremberg / Erlangen: "Expression patterns of adhaesion-molecules ICAM-1, PECAM-1, VCAM-1, P-selectin and E-selectin at human hemihepatectomy".
2020 - Clinic Award
Paracelsus Science Award 2020 (Gold, Silver, Bronze)
2019 - Clinic Award
Best innovative poster (36th ACO-ASSO Annual Meeting 2019)
Paracelsus Science Award 2019 (bronze)
Best Abstract (60TH ACC 2019)
Lecture Prize Hernia surgery (60th ÖCK 2019)
2018 - Clinic Award
Paracelsus Science Award 2018 (Silver, Bronze)
Lecture Prize Hernia Surgery (59th ÖCK 2018).
2017 - Clinic Award
Case of the Year - 2nd place (Austrian Society of Pneumology)
Best Paper Award (Best Research Article Prize of the IJMS 2017)
Department of the year - 3rd place (in the framework of Human Medicine PMU Salzburg, JG 2013)
Paracelsus Science Award 2017 (bronze)
Best Abstract 2017 - 1st place (VBS Abstract Competition Virginia)
Lecture Prize Hernia surgery (58th ÖCK 2017)
Young Surgeons Forum - 2nd place (58th ÖCK 2017)
2016 - Clinic Award
Paracelsus Science Award 2016 (Gold, Silver)
Gerhard Buess Technology Award A RCT on comparison of Airseal® vs. StandardCO2 pressure pneumo-peritoneum insufflator in visceral surgery (14th world congress of endoscopic surgery Paris)
Research scholarship (10,000 euros) from the Research Promotion Fund of Paracelsus Medical Private University, Salzburg
Research grant (18,500 euros) from the Research Promotion Fund of Paracelsus Medical Private University, topic: "Tumour cell dissemination in colon carcinoma - laparoscopy vs. open resection", Salzburg
Research grant (31,000 euros) from the Research Promotion Fund of Paracelsus Medical Private University, topic: "Abdominal sepsis in the mouse model", Salzburg
Traveler Grant, Japanese Surgical Congress, Topic: "Procalcitonin as early predictive parameter of lethal outcome of postoperative sepsis." A. Novotny, K. Emmanuel
International Research Award "Postoperative Sepsis: High serum IL-18 as a predictive indicator of lethal outcome" (DPC-Academy, Hamburg)
Research grant (DM 50,000 + MTA) Klinikum rechts der Isar of the Technical University of Munich, subject: "Immunosuppression and sepsis: DFG application".
Research grant (DM 50,000 + MTA) Klinikum rechts der Isar of the Technical University of Munich, subject: "Immunosuppression and sepsis: KKF application".
- Surgical oncology: colon, stomach, esophagus, pancreas
- Functional surgery: stomach, esophagus
- Basic research
- Member of the Board Austrian Society of Surgery
(President 2020/2021; 1st deputy president [past president] 2021/2022)
Representatives of surgical department heads of central hospitals.
for maximum care as well as other (private) universities - Board member ACO-ASSO: Austrian Society for Surgical Oncology
President 2022 - 2025 (President elect 2020 - 2022) - Faculty Board of European Surgery
- Fellow of the American College of Surgery FACS
- Advisory Board AMIC (Consortium for Minimally Invasive Surgery of the ÖGC)
- Advisory Board "Der Chirurg" - Journal for Surgery, SpringerMedizin
- Advisory Board "Zentralblatt für Chirurgie" - Journal for Surgery, Thieme-Verlag
- ISS/SIC International Society of Surgery
- German Society for Surgery
- German Society for Visceral Surgery
- Surgical Working Group Hernias DGAV-CAH
- Surgical Working Group for Oncology DGAV-CAOV
- Surgical Working Group for Endocrinology DGAV-CAEK
- Surgical Working Group for Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas DGAV-CALP
- Working Group for Robot-Assisted Surgery DGAV-CA-Robin
- Surgical Working Group Upper GI Tract DGAV-CAOGI
- German Hernia Society DHG
- Austrian Society for Surgical Research
- Austrian Society for Thoracic Surgery
- Liver Metastasis Surgery Consensus Group Austria
- German University Teachers' Association
- Faculty Association of the Technical University of Munich, Association of Friends TU