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Nursing at the University Hospital Salzburg
Nursing career
The University Hospital Salzburg has one of the largest and most modern operating theatres in western Austria. Around 30,000 operations are performed annually. The Department of Surgery at the University Hospital Salzburg covers the entire spectrum of visceral and thoracic surgery. Despite the size of the operating theatre area, one experiences reliable structures in small, well-coordinated teams in daily work.

Your career at the University Hospital Salzburg
Career portal
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Resident in general and visceral surgery
at the UK f. Surgery of the PMU
Topic: Peritoneal metastasized ovarian cancer - interdisciplinary treatment - who, when and how?
Academy of Surgeons - 1st Expert Meeting Salzburg HIPEC/PIPAC
23. – 24.05.2024
IMLAUER Hotel Pitter
Rainerstrasse 6, A-5020 Salzburg
Academy of Surgeons - Salzburg Surgical Festival
17. – 19.06.2024
Paracelsus Medical Private University Salzburg
Strubergasse 21, A- 5020 Salzburg
19. – 20.09.2024
IMLAUER Hotel Pitter Salzburg
Rainerstrasse 6, 5020 Salzburg
STAR Course - Minimally Invasive Colorectal Surgery
11. – 12.10.2024
Paracelsus Medical Private University
Strubergasse 15, A-5020 Salzburg
STAR Course - Hepatobiliary surgery for daily practice
24. – 25.10.2024
Paracelsus Medical Private University
Strubergasse 15, A-5020 Salzburg