Your specialist for stomach cancer.
"We don't give up on anyone, ever." This has probably also become the guiding principle of our interdisciplinary team, which has set itself the goal of ensuring the best possible life and quality of life for our patients suffering from gastric cancer. I myself am probably also internationally regarded as one of the most recognized gastric specialists.
Our individual treatment concept for stomach cancer.
The stomach is a tubular to pouch-shaped hollow organ located in the upper abdomen, just below the diaphragm. Into it flows the Esophagus (food pipe)from which it takes in supplied food, digests it to a certain degree, and passes it on to the Duodenum (duodenum) passes on.
Due to the complex anatomy is the treatment of gastric diseases only Gastric specialists as well as specialized centers The treatment concept should be tailored to the patient's individual situation - life situation, tumor biology and personal wishes. The treatment concept should be individually tailored to the patients - to their life situation, tumor biology and personal wishes.
Types of stomach cancer
Stomach cancer (gastric carcinoma) is one of the malignant diseases of the upper digestive tract. Gastric specialists distinguish between two types of malignant cancer:
Risk factors
Gastric cancer is favored by several risk factors:
These include first and foremost Alcohol and nicotine, as well as the consumption of salted (cured) and smoked products. Dishes.
Especially From the age of 50 patients should not ignore the occurrence of gastric complaints and contact gastric specialists for further clarification and, if necessary, therapy.

Stomach cancer treatment
If stomach cancer is diagnosed, the extent is crucial for treatment.
If there are no daughter tumors (metastases) in other organs, surgery - the so-called (sub-)total gastric resection - the means of choice. Minimally invasive or robot-assisted procedures are usually considered. We pay special attention to the reconstruction of the stomach to enable a particularly good quality of life after the operation.
Above a certain extension size, it is now the worldwide standard to perform a Chemo– or Radiochemotherapy (radiotherapy and chemotherapy) to be carried out.
In patients diagnosed with early gastric cancer, gentle endoscopic mucosal resection can be (EMR) can be performed. In this procedure, small, superficial tumors are removed endoscopically and the stomach is preserved.
Life after the operation
Generally, no special rehabilitation is necessary after the hospital stay.
We recommend that you have a nutrition consultation with us at the hospital. In principle, the Enjoyment of all food and drinks possible again in somewhat smaller portions.
After the operation, you will receive an individual aftercare pass from us, in which a regular check of the healing success (tumour aftercare) is carried out.