Your specialist for liver cancer.
"We don't give up on anyone, ever." This has probably also become the guiding principle of our interdisciplinary team, which has set itself the goal of ensuring the best possible life and quality of life for our patients suffering from liver cancer. I myself am considered an internationally recognized specialist in liver cancer.
Types of liver cancer
Different types of tumors are distinguished:
Supplementary therapies
In the case of extensive infestation, a combination of surgical intervention and Supplementary therapies necessary. These therapies are also available to us if removal is not possible:
With the so-called Radio Frequency Ablation or microwave ablation the tumor is contained by the local destruction of cells by extreme heat.
At the University Clinic for Surgery in Salzburg, we will now be using an absolutely innovative treatment method for the first time under my leadership - the NanoKnife, also Irreversible Electroporation (IRE) called. Short electrical pulses of several thousand volts are used to destroy the tumor tissue.
The advantage: Damage to surrounding healthy tissue can be prevented and tumors adjacent to very delicate tissue can be reached.
Likewise, we apply the Embolization procedure in which the blood vessels supplying the tumor with nutrients are closed off by destructive substances so that the tumor dies. For this purpose, we have the Chemoembolization and the SIRT (Selective Internal Radio Therapy) available. SIRT is a nuclear medicine therapy based on the introduction of small radioactive beads into the tumor tissue of the liver. For this purpose, several million of these small beads are administered via a small catheter that has previously been placed in the hepatic artery from the groin.
Liver cancer treatment
At our clinic, liver surgery is performed minimally invasively whenever possible. This is less stressful and it can be faster than usual - if necessary - with the subsequent Chemotherapy can be started. In addition, only small scars remain and the hospital can be left after a few days.